How Does Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Oral Health? How Does Seasonal Allergies Affect Your Oral Health?
Gum Disease Treatment Periodontitis, another name for gum disease, is a widespread oral health issue that affects millions... Gum Disease Treatment
Surprising Toxic Materials Used For Dental Purposes Most patients assume that dentists use safe materials in their mouths. However, this is usually... Surprising Toxic Materials Used For Dental Purposes
Expert Talks: Heart Disease, Oral Infections and Cancer R Expert Talks: Heart Disease, Oral Infections and Cancer Risk
Dry Mouth A common and rapidly growing problem among dental patients today is Dry Mouth or Xerostomia.... Dry Mouth
Management of Oral Inflammation Oral inflammation or swollen gums, caused by bacteria, initiate the destruction of gum tissue and... Management of Oral Inflammation
Gum Disease It is nothing new. It’s as old as man. The Egyptians, Greeks and Phoenicians, wired... Gum Disease